Sunday, December 27, 2009

Workday line item blog: 12/17 & 27 '09

figured i'd try this instead of a dozen fbook statuses

fri 12/17/09

Call me soda popinski. I'm being much more dilligent on the soda-squirreling this week. Gonna be a heavy backpack rest of the day.

I'm hooked on the hip-hop version of the THomas theme song. Do not think I'm joking.
Context is key ton understanding this. The original song is sung by a fucking English Boys' Choir, for god's sake. So hearing some weird ambigu-ethnic guy rap it.. sincerely enjoyable.

I've been saying kids are the best since Bingo was born, and yet, it keeps getting better. Better and better and better. We hang out, we tell jokes. We sing songs that are jokes. One of us (and I mean it, it can be either one of us) will come up with a joke or really more often a bit, and the other will redo it, and we'll just do it back and forth for a good long while. And pick it up again a few times later in the day, and over the next couple weeks. It's just the god damn funnest. And he's four. He's four. He's riffin be-bopping and scattin with me and I'm LOSING IT, I mean, enjoying the hell out of it.

PR? Pocket rocket? Purple raincoat? Pauvre Remy?

"Unintentional but still vicious"? What the f are you talking about? Stupid sports commentators.

Sunday 12/27/09

The christmas child (christmas child) da nana, da nana, da nana, da nana

Every Krip begins with K.

The fuck does Utah football have TWO players named Zane?
Biblical thing? Or Book of Mormon, whatever?

The mind, the body -- they're in cahoots!

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